The Simon Group



How global is your business?

The Internet has given every company, large and small, a digital footprint. It’s not a matter of can you be found, but rather, once you are found, who are you really trying to reach.

The real question is not whether your business is global or not, but rather: How global is your business?

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A quick sidebar on creativity through email

A quick sidebar on creativity through email

We can all agree, creativity isn’t a linear process—it best thrives when varying perspectives are all given equal weight and the something that has been looked at a thousand times in one light is suddenly seen in a completely different one.

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Time to Pack Your Bags

It’s summer. Not only is everyone gearing up for vacation and big plans away, but also getting ready to hit the second half of the year strong. Maybe there have been some adjustments to your marketing goals after the first half. Maybe the second half has the potential to be a game changer for your company. Either way, it might also be time to pack your bags for another big reason: tradeshows.

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Putting a Positive Spin on Things

Let’s face it, things don’t always turn out as well as you had expected. Sometimes you need to deliver news that isn’t particularly flattering to your company or its products. And although we would love to keep a lid on negative publicity and not let the world know about it, sometimes it is unavoidable. So, what are we to do? Sweep it under the rug? Lie? Act like it never happened? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding NO!

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Hitting the Bullseye: a new era of direct email

Marketing automation has breathed new life into email marketing. That which was once destined for junk folders and blacklists is becoming useful again by not merely spamming the reader with potentially relevant information, but instead providing value driven material that matches the interests and needs of the recipient.

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Measuring Your Return – Can We Determine ROI of an Advertising Campaign?

While recently reading ‘On the Near Impossibility of Measuring the Returns to Advertising’ by Randall A. Lewis and Justin M. Rao, it was stated that the average American sees 25-45 minutes of tv commercials, multiple billboards and an array of internet ads per day. They go on further to say that industry reports place annual advertising revenue in the US in the range of $173 billion, or about $500 per American per year. In order for advertisers to break even they need to net about $1.50 in profits per person per day – translating into about $3,500 -$5,500 per household per year. So is this possible? Is it possible to measure the exact return on investment metrics of an advertising campaign?

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Why All Startups Should Invest in Public Relations

As I often do when writing these blog posts, I harken back to early in my career. This one in particular made me laugh a bit to myself because it reminded me of something I said to my mother when I was desperately trying to figure out what to do for a living.

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Knowing the Limitations of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is an exciting topic these days. Very few other management platforms combine both marketing, sales and analytics functions effectively into one package. When done correctly, marketing automation can save time, automate routine operations and provide analytics.

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