The Simon Group



Vanquishing the Scariest Mistakes in B2B Marketing

Unfortunately, we’ve seen it before in marketing programs. Great concepts, great creative, great intentions…marginally acceptable implementation! Many times, deadlines, pressures from the powers-that-be, and the urge to start seeing results can push marketers to cut corners on some pretty important aspects of proper marketing communications campaigns.

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Improved URLs for Better SEO

This topic of conversation comes up quite often around here. How long should a URL be for it to get the most traffic? Oftentimes, it seems like companies don’t put much thought into their URLs. In fact, many times, they are just completely overlooked…

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Covering an Event Live on Social Media

Let’s be real here- The Simon Group is a small agency in a niche market. We don’t have the social media following of some of the world’s largest brands. When we’re talking our average post reach, it’s in the few hundreds range. Our highest reach prior to last week was 646 people. (If you’re reading this, know you’re awesome and we love you for following us!!)

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The Great Gate Debate: When to use gated content

Oftentimes we are asked by clients our feelings on gated content – You know, the information that cannot be accessed until a form is filled out with the user’s personal information, usually their name, email, phone number and some innocuous question. The questions we get usually center on WHEN this type of content should be used, and IF it should be used at all.

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Diversify Your Advertising Tactics

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the shifting of momentum back towards traditional media. It is no secret that 15 years ago, online media stormed the advertising industry and nearly knocked out traditional media, like 90s grunge did to 80s hair bands. People clamored to get on the digital bandwagon to gain more market share, reach a broader audience and cut through what was perceived at the time as ad clutter. Or so they thought…

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Creating a Content Marketing Plan- Part 4

According to the 2017 report from the Content Marketing Institute, more B2B companies are becoming more successful with content marketing. But it all starts with a plan! So here’s the final push… the homestretch… get ready to tackle publishing and promoting your first piece of content, celebrating your successes and reviewing the results.

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Steps to a Successful Content Marketing Plan- Part 3

By the end of these 3 weeks, you’ll be nearly ready to tackle content marketing like a pro. The last segment reviewed how to audit your current content, document your new content strategy and how to create topic ideas that fuel this new strategy. Up next is creating a content calendar based on priorities and ‘low hanging fruit’, fine tune SEO and successfully review and edit your first piece of content.

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Content Marketing Plan – Part 2

Last time we discussed getting your content marketing campaign off the ground. We gave you the tools on how to get your strategy in motion. In this round, we will discuss how to get the momentum going and touch on auditing your current content, documenting your new content strategy and how to create topic ideas to fuel your content strategy.

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