The Simon Group



Knowing the Limitations of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is an exciting topic these days. Very few other management platforms combine both marketing, sales and analytics functions effectively into one package. When done correctly, marketing automation can save time, automate routine operations and provide analytics.

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Put your money where your mouth is*

Knowing how far your claims may reach

In doing some research for a client about the role of safety in manufacturing environments, we came across a very interesting piece of news…a major manufacturing company had appointed the first ever safety advocate, designated to oversee worker health and safety. Wow! Nice work protecting the little guy, Corporate America.

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10 Tips for a High Quality Website

One of your most powerful business marketing tools is simple: your website. It can help you stand out from your competitors and defines you as a company. It is a direct reflection of you and can give people an idea of how you conduct business. Your website can be what makes the first impression, so make it a good one!

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Why Your BtoB Company Should be Using Twitter

It seems only logical that most business-to-business companies consider LinkedIn to be the most effective and successful social media platform for content marketing; after all, it is built on business relationships and networking. But what about its runner up – Twitter?

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We are so on board with Google Cardboard!

When Google Glass came out, we kind of did a shoulder shrug—it seemed to carry with it a pretty hefty point of entry with a $1,500 beta price tag and Clark Kent-looking frames. Thanks Google, for a carrot we just can’t seem to reach.

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