The Simon Group


10 Tips to Optimize Your Email Performance with the Right Subject Line

We all want to snag the attention of someone we are sending an email to, but it isn’t easy. Mailboxes get overrun with everything from spam and reminders, to newsletters and important messages. Knowing how to break through and have your message stand out in an inbox can be a challenge.

Email Subject Lines Get Your Foot in the Door

email subject lineThe subject line is the first impression that the sender gives to the recipient. It should never be considered just a small throw away sentence.

You know the saying, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’? Well, the subject line is exactly that. You have just a few words to make an impression, so make it count!

Here’s an example: When starting to write this blog, an email in my inbox had the subject line, ‘IT’S ME, GRITTY’. That short and sweet subject line caught my attention and went straight to the point. I knew it had to do with the Philadelphia Flyers mascot, who is an adorable furry monster with quite the following for his antics, so I opened it.

Creating a Great Subject Line

Subject lines can be painstaking if you are looking for just the right thing to say. Using some creative thinking and strategic wording should help you get your emails open by their intended recipients.

The following are some tips on how to get your emails opened.

  1. Research, research, research – Take a look at your Google Analytics or Search Console dashboard to see what search terms people are using to find your site. Or ask your customer service and sales teams what keywords they hear from customers. This is a good first step for compiling keyword lists to use in subject lines.
    Example: For our business, keywords we would use include- content marketing, thought leadership, B2B marketing, brand equity
  2. Keep it short, but catchy – The most important tip for subject lines, regardless of topic or style, is length. Your subject line should be short, but catchy. When we say short, we mean no more than 45 to 100 characters. This translates to about 4 to 8 words. Think of it this way: keep it short enough that it can be viewed on any mobile device.
    Example: Tech Awards 2021!
  3. Call to action – This tactic is one that can, and should, be employed when you really want people to open your email in a timely manner. By creating an urgency to act and a scarcity of what you are offering, oftentimes readers will click on your email immediately.
    Example: Service is Due: Schedule Your Appointment
  4. Pique the reader’s interest – By being somewhat vague (but playful) in the subject line oftentimes can entice email recipients to open a message. Be sure to not stray too far from what is in the email itself but make it mysterious enough that your potential reader will be curious and want to open the email.
    Example: Want to Fix Your Data Headache?
  5. Use numbers – There is something about the use of numbers in a headline that draws eye and piques curiosity.
    Example: 10 Ways to Increase your ROI
  6. It is all in the tone – By speaking in a fun, conversational tone you are likely to get your audience to open your email. No one wants to open something that looks like it was written by a robot. Have fun with the subject line, but don’t overdo it.
    Example: (Name of contact), here’s a little something to enjoy at your leisure
  7. Speak in the language and style that your readers use – But doing this, you will surely reel them in to read what it is you have to say.
    Example: Don’t Forget to Attend 2021’s Space Symposium
  8. Ask your reader a question in the subject line – By doing this, you can get their attention immediately and begin to create a dialogue with them. Even if at first it is only in their head. Also try to keep the questions opened ended and something that they can’t answer with a quick yes or no. Remember, you want them to open your email to learn more information.
    Example: Would You Like to Improve Your ROI Ten-fold?
  9. Do not start a sentence that you finish in the email’s body – If you actually want your email read and not immediately marked as trash, DO NOT start a sentence in the subject line and finish it in the body copy of the email. This is annoying to the reader.
    Example: All OEM Manufacturers Can Increase Their…
  10. Avoid writing your subject line in all caps – Although you may think that is getting someone’s attention it comes off as yelling.  Also avoid using exclamation points. They too seem like you are yelling or be over the top.

By following these tips in a time where everyone is communicating via email, you will be able to optimize your content marketing strategy and email performance to catch the attention of your reader immediately.