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How to Make Working from Home More Efficient: Tips for workspace, routine, productivity and more
Working from home: Some people love it, some people hate. But when left with no other choice, we do it. So how can you make your home office as efficient and effective a workspace as possible?
When the ‘work from home’ movement started over 20 years ago, some would scoff at it and say, ‘How can you be productive? Do you sit on your couch and eat bonbons all day? Are you really working or are you just taking an extra day off during the week?’

How to Market in a Crisis: A guide to B2B best practices
A crisis hits, clients start calling, and the next thing you know, potential budget cuts are on the table.
Seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? What your customers need to hear right now, during this coronavirus outbreak or during other periods of crisis, is that they have no reason to worry when it comes to the services and products your company provides them. Going dark is the last thing a company should be thinking about at this point. The reality is, making smart choices for active tasks in your marcom program, rather than pulling back, will help guide you through this temporary wave of business uncertainty.

What Has B2B Learned So Far From the Coronavirus Outbreak?
As the world is still speculating just how far reaching the Coronavirus will be across the globe in terms of business continuity, healthcare services and personal impact, some important aspects about business operations have come to light.
To put this in context, we’ve found that during a market upturn as well as downturn, much of the current news and hub bub doesn’t touch upon the impacts we might feel in the business-to-business (B2B) community, yet. Our experience has shown that B2B generally starts to see the effects of the mainstream market a few months after we are hearing about things on the news.